Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why is it hard for me to learn?

Seems I'm the only one that thinks there's a deeper lesson to learn here. Everyone still asks, and they all still think he was stung. One friend is scared for me now. And she doesn't know how I should 'fix' it. **Deep sigh**

It frustrates me to no end that I can't explain to them what is going on. And, even if I did, I guess they wouldn't understand. I don't think there is something to FIX at all. And it couldn't be anyway. Scottie can learn, and learn tools to help him cope. He's learned a LOT in the last 3 years, and made HUGE progress. But, I believe he is the way he is, because I am the way I am. And until I change, neither will he. It goes back to the horse being a mirror topic. So, since I am unorganized, unstructured, have not much discipline or consistency, then, it all shows up in him. I'll have to think more about that.

So, here's what I do know:

1. I had been doing groundwork only 5 or so minutes before riding-my preflight check.
2. The above has been going on for some time now. A long time.
3. I had introduced a new halter/bridle to Scottie the day I was thrown.
4. I know that when he is introduced to something new, he needs time to process. I KNOW THIS.
5. His allergies were really bad already and I had not noticed.

So, was he trying to tell me something? Yes. I believe he had been for a while, maybe a month or two. I was just too dense to notice. So, he figured, ok, she's not getting it, so here's a loud and clear message for her. Pay Attention!!

I have to put some structure back into my day so that I have quality time working on him EVERY day. Yes, even when I don't ride.

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